Ec-eurostat comext external trade databases software

Analysis of data collection methods and recommendations. Plus external sources 26,460 actual records stock information and 11,340 computed records 26,460 actual records stock information and 140 computed records 1,764 records data for 28 elements. Data for all 27 eu member states since 1988 or since their year of accession. Database the javascript feature of your browser needs to be enabled in order to access to the full feature enabled navigation tree. Eurostat homepage statistics international trade database international trade international trade detailed data details traditional international trade database access comext comext eu27 trade since 1988 by hs6. Data record the monthly trade between member states in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between.

Comext, published by eurostat, is based on data provided by the statistical agencies of the eu member states and trading partners. Full text of oecd handbook on economic globalisation. In march 2020, the covid19 containment measures widely introduced by member states had a significant impact on retail trade, as the seasonally adjusted volume of retail trade decreased by 11. Full text of oecd handbook on economic globalisation indicators 2005. Analysis of data collection methods and recommendations for. Recommendations for improving srm datasets and harmonisation. Since then itgs are based on two data collection systems.

But a non javascript version of the tree exists, even if the proposed features are reduced. To start easy comext, select the database external trade external trade detailed data detail to open the following content. Eurostat comext international trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decisionmakers at international, european union and national level. The comext intra and extraeuropean trade database provides statistics on merchandise trade among european union member states, and between member states and global partners. Plus external sources 26,460 actual records stock information and 11,340 computed records 26,460 actual records stock information and 140 computed records 1,764. External trade in goods statistics is compiled by eurostat on a monthly basis following a harmonised methodology set out in european regulations known as the community concept. Turnover data but not trade volume data are available for the whole glossary. Eurostat data is available free of charge and can be explored via the tree below.

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